Callao Cave

Welcome to Callao Cave
Cave Exploration Caves of different classifications abound in the province, which makes it a spelunker’s paradise. The Peñablanca Protected Landscape, the northern corridor to the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park, is home to some 300 caves, 75 of which have been documented by the National Museum and 30 have been mapped by the British Exploration Club and its local counterpart, the Sierra Madre Outdoor Club. On April 7-13, 2003, SMOC hosted the 24th Mountaineering Federation Philippines, Inc., Congress and Climb which was attended by some 200 outdoor enthusiasts.
Dhrex v.s
The Lion lolz ...

Kaya ko 2 ako si SUPERMAN
The Singapore Lion look alike
The Bat Cave 
ooppppss wait wag green minded
isang pa cute nga
Tamang Pa-CUTE lang

Peñablanca Caves Callao Cave, just outside Penablanca, is ideal for the traveler who wants a brief taste of the underground. But the region is packed with dozens of other caves, some partially explored, others still virgin. Sierra, only a 15-minute walk from Callao, has huge chambers filled with white, crystal-studded columns. At Odessa, a cave system with over 8km of known passages and others yet to be explored, spelunkers pass through elephant-sized walkways and narrow, tortuous squeezes. Formations include calcite grottoes and crystalline flowstones. Another cave, Heaven, has a fantastic chamber, which is a highlight of the underground experience. Heaven can be hellish to get to, but those who have been there agree that it’s worth the effort. 
The Chapel at Callao Cave
Nice blog
Those caves look awesome!
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